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Olea Europaea

Many natural soap bars contain olive oil as a base ingredient. Olive oil has been a

soap ingredient for thousands of years. Its antioxidant rich properties are well

known for nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing and protecting skin against

environmental and free-radical damage. Olive oil contains polyphenols and oleic

acid which are naturally anti-aging and olive oil is hypoallergenic, so it is suitable

for all skin types. A 100% pure olive oil soap is also called “Castile”. Olive oil is

derived from crushed olives which are grown in the Mediterranean where the

climate is optimal with hot summers and cool winters.

There are several grades of olive oil. The differences in the grades of oil

correspond to when, in the extraction and refining process, the oil is bottled. The

olives are first crushed and ground into a paste, then, the oil is separated from

the paste by various methods. The first oil that comes from the very first crush is

the “virgin” olive oil. The paste that is left behind after the first extraction is called

“pomace”. The pomace contains the ground skins, pits, flesh, and a little bit of

oil. Chemical extraction is used to get the last bit of oil out of the pomace.

For olive oil to qualify as “extra virgin”, the olive oil must meet four criteria:

1. It must be produced only my mechanical extraction (no hot water or

chemicals applied to extract the oil from the olives)

2. It must come from the first pressing of the olives.

3. It must have a free oleic acidity level of less than one percent.

4. It must have perfect taste.

NOTE: The “free acidity” level should not be confused with the overall fatty acid

makeup of the oil. Olive oil generally contains between 60% and 80% oleic acid-

what qualifies and olive oil as “extra virgin” is the low amount of “free fatty


Virgin Olive Oil: Virgin olive oil also comes from the first pressing of the olives

and must be extracted without chemicals like extra virgin olive oil. Virgin olive oil

can have a free acidity level of up to 3.3%.

Pure Olive Oil: Sometimes also called “Grade A” olive oil, this grade of oil is a

blend of virgin olive oil and refined oils. The refining process takes away some of

the vitamins, nutrients, and flavor of the oil, but the blending provides a more

stable, consistent oil. Grade A oil is the most used olive oil for soap making.

Pomace Olive Oil: Pomace olive oil comes from the dregs of the olive paste as the

last drops of oil (between 5-8% of the total amount of oil in the olives) are

extracted from the skins, pits and ground flesh of the olives. It generally has a

much greener color and is not as clear as virgin olive oil. It does not have the

flavor that virgin olive oils have, so it is mostly relegated to industrial and soap

making uses. Pomace still has largely the same fatty acid makeup of virgin olive

oil, so other than the greenish color, it makes similar soap.

At Ella Organics, we use only the highest quality Grade A (refined A) pure olive

oil. Our artisan soaps contain 40%-60% olive oil.

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